Train My Generation CBO was founded with the aim to collaborate with local residents and build community resilience. We achieve this by supporting essential health services and educational programs that not only promote environmental responsibility but also advance female empowerment.
Vocational Training Mentorship:
We are working with a local tertiary college to provide courses that help pupils start their own local trade businesses. This program trains the next generation in valuable skills and trades whilst helping to break the common cycle of careers that rely on the lakes' depleting fish stocks.
Secondary school support:
Our school workshops enable us to engage with bright young minds in the community and delve into vital topics of environmental responsibility and personal heath. Most recently, we have been using maps of East Africa and Mfangano to express the importance of understanding our local environment in order to be able to effectively protect it. We are currently in the process of developing an environmental literacy programme.

Environmental Regeneration
Tree planting:
To combat local deforestation we work with schools and church communities to collect and distribute thousands of seedlings on Mfangano. This initiative teaches the youth about environmental responsibility, and in years to come the community members who planted and nurtured these trees can enjoy their shade.
Tree Nursery
We are in the planning stages of launching sampling nursey later in 2024 in the grounds of the Mfangano Vocational Technical College. With the help of local leaders, tree experts such as our own Felix and the college administration and students, we hope to teach the skill of growing trees and raise essential funds also.
Period Health:
Many of the young girls and women on Mfangano do not have access to safe and hygienic menstrual products, meaning that each month their careers and education can be greatly disrupted.
We have teamed up with a Kenyan distributor to provide sanitary pads to local schools, ensuring that the girls do not miss out on their education and promoting equal learning opportunities. Furthermore, through our educational workshops focused on menstrual health, safety and overall well-being we strive to dismantle social taboos surrounding menstruation. By emphasising the importance of self-care, our goal is to empower all girls on the island to realise their full potential.
photo from Sidney

Projects Under Consideration.
Solar Power:
In order to support the introduction of new industries and support the launch of new SMEs, we are looking for a partner to introduce solar power off-grid infrastructure.
Teacher Engagement
With such an important role to play for the community, we are working on ideas to give teahcers as much support, material and inspiration as possible to help them be the mentors they aspire to be for their students. Environmental Literacy will form a key part of this project.
TMG Library
Seeing that the cost of school books are so high and that there is a lack of general knowlegde books on the island, we are devising a way to open a library on the island with full access for both children and adults.