Our Mission
Train My Generation is a volunteer community organisation focused on bringing essential infrastructure, expertise, and resources to the island of Mfangano, Lake Victoria. Ultimately, we wish to ignite a collective effort aimed at reversing the damage inflicted upon Lake Victoria and unlocking the full potential of this crucial ecosystem. ​
We plan to remain small and nimble, waving the flag of Mfangano Island and its neighhboring communities to attract African and European interest in supporting and investing in Lake Victoria's eternal natural richness.

Our Origin
Mark and Vincent met online during COVID in 2020, and over time became friends with a shared vision for a restored social and environmental landscape on Mfangano Island. Since then we have grown in ambition, but remain a small, local team spending time with local schools, beach management units and women's groups to learn and act according to community needs. We have a 30 year vision, to sit in the shade of the trees we have planted with our neighbours. In that time we hope to look back on years of progress for the lake, and ahead to a bright future for our children.
Located in Kenyan waters, the remote island hosts about 20,000 inhabitants who rely on fishing as their main economic activity. As is typical of most communities living in the Lake Victoria Basin, the population of Mfangano island face increasing threats to their livelihood. These range from the declining environmental health of the lake and collapsing fish stocks, to deforestation, and poor healthcare and sanitation.
Despite the damage the region has already suffered, the story of the Lake Victoria Basin is far from one of abandoned hope. The islanders are resilient and innovative, with ambitions to address the challenges through community involvement and partnership with NGOs and local government.
Mfangano is an emerald jewel on Lake Victoria, and together with her neighbouring islands and mainland villages, is hungry for the knowledge and know-how to address its own challenges and be a beacon of hope for everyone that relies of Lake Victoria's natural wealth.
Out theory of change is simple: Community + Coalition + Time = Sustainable Restoration
1) Too often community voices are heard last or not at all; we start, continue and finish with the community as the principle stakeholder.
2) So many passionate, expert and determined people are already achieving great things around the lake; we will form a coalition of voices to ensure decisive action and the local, national and international level.
3) Short term projects will not be enough to revive the lake to its full potential; we need long term commitment and plans to see this through an entire generation in 30 years time.


Co-Founder & Project Director
Vincent Ogweno
Vincent is Currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Geography at Michigan State University in order to explore innovative methodologies to address pressing Climate change-induced food security concerns. He is dedicated to leveraging technology for the betterment of both local and global communities.
Conservation Projects Officer
Sidney Opiyo
Sidney is an Environmental Scientist and Marine Ecologist from Kenya. He is passionate about working with young people and local communities to address disproportionate environmental challenges and enhance youth inclusion in policy spaces. He is also a passionate conservation storyteller using photography.

Island Community Mobiliser
Wycliffe Wayuga
Introduction coming soon.

Administrative Assistant
Ida Odiembo
Introduction coming soon.

Co-Founder & Finance Director
Cliff L'ombaka
Cliff leverages over seven years of expertise in management science. His role includes ensuring compliance with donor policies and standards, and overseeing project budgets and funding for grant recipients. He is dedicated to empowering communities through effective project management and continuous progression within TMG.

Project Officer
Vendelah Ochieng
Vendelah describes herself as an organised and hardworking person, willing to learn and accept to new ideas for better results.

Peer Mentor
Veronica Otieno
Veronica works closely with adolescents, teenagers and young people to influence their behavioural change. She tackles issues related to their health, growth and development by having open discussion with them, this is done in schools, churches and sports.

UK Community Mobiliser
John Kariko
Introduction coming soon.

Co-Founder & Partnership Advisor
Mark Haviland
Mark helps students and businesses adapt to our changing times through workshops around the UK. Using his networks in Europe and Africa, he hopes to form the coalitions and partnerships essential to reviving Lake Victoria for the benefit of the East African community.

Felix Otieno
Felix is a Special Needs Teacher and passionate environmentalist. He majored in tree planting as his way of mitigating the effects of climate change.

Communications Officer
James Odero
Introduction coming soon.

Alice Milner
Alice’s interests lie in ecology and conservation, since finishing her degree in Zoology she is eager to explore methods of communicating important science to inspire and alter public behaviour. She helps to create social media content and research outreach techniques with the aim to share TMG’s initiatives with a greater audience.
The Revival Alliance.
Here we highlight the organisations collaborating with us to achieve our shared goals on Mfangano Island. If you are interested in the initiatives we have outlined and believe that you or your organisation can contribute and benefit, please get in touch- or